Last year we already saw a lot of changes in our WebShop for BÄR original spare parts: more than 1,000 parts with 3D views were followed by the new maintenance section with serial number-specific spare part recommendations for the respective maintenance interval. Now a new feature follows: quotation processing in the Bär Cargolift WebShop.
Directly after logging in to the WebShop you will see your open spare parts offers with expiring validity as a pop-up. By clicking on the offer number you can jump directly to the offers and order the spare parts.
Alternatively, you will now find the offer status under the order status. There you can access your offers, download the corresponding PDF document, add entire quotes or only individual parts to the shopping basket or cancel the offer. In addition, entering the offer number in the shopping basket makes it quick and easy to order the offered parts. Try it out right away.
» To the Bär Cargolift WebShop
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