Since March 2022, the digital flip catalogue for BÄR original spare parts is available on our website. Our service information SI 01/2022 informed you about this. As we know how important printed documents are in the daily workshop routine, the first revision of the catalogue was also printed directly. Would you like to order the new spare parts catalogue? Then send an e-mail to
Like its digital version, the printed catalogue presents a selection of our most popular BÄR original spare parts as well as numerous retrofit options (for example for Bär SmartControl), our full range of services and BÄR-specific technologies (for example the eBC Controller and the associated diagnostic software Bär CargoCheck).
And the digital flip catalogue? Of course, it was updated at the same time! Ordering spare parts from BÄR has never been so easy! In the digital catalogue for BÄR original spare parts, click on the material number or the part picture and you will be taken directly to this BÄR original spare part in the WebShop (registration required)! Are you interested? Then let's get started:
» Surf through the digital spare parts catalogue
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